Back Pain and Back Problems

                           BackPain and Back Problems Won't Happen to        Me…Really!! 
One out of every ten people will experience back pain once in their lifetime may or may not for medical reasons.
Anyone can have back pain, but some things that increase your risk are:  

·         Aging: Back pain is more common in old age. You may first encounter backache when you are 30 to 40 years old.
Poor physical fitness: Lack of regular exercise makes your body unfit.
Being overweight: Too much body weight can put stress on the back and lower limbs.
Heredity: Sometimes the reason for back pain can be genetic (arthritis).
Manifestation of other diseases: Disease related to bone, hormones etc can lead to back pain.
Occupational: If your job involves lift, push, or pull while twisting your spine or desk job, you may get  back pain.
Smoking: Smokers usually do not get enough nutrients to their disk which can cause back pain. Also  Smoker’s cough can lead to back pain from mild to severe depending upon the criticality o f the condition.  

Primus Super Speciality Hospital
2, Chandragupt Marg
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi- 110021
011 6620 6630/40  


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